Thursday, October 4, 2012

Men Who Matter from A Place That Matters

Hyper Link Here->  Mount Saint JosephHigh School, a home to me, my school, and its mission is to raise men who matter in life.  Since 1876 it has been serving this purpose and producing caring and critically thoughtful citizens qualified to help the world. It is highly funded by thousands of alumni including Mark Teixeira and depends on such aide to keep going strong. Personal relationships, challenging academics, spirituality, justice, and peace are the values and goals of St. Joe. It’s a great education that comes with a large family of which I am a part.


Word Count: 94


  1. I like the place of choice how ever, I'm not seeng a hyper link or a picture so I hope you get this comment before this is due so you can add one right quick!

    1. The hyper link is in the school's name at the begining but I don't know why it's not highlighting!

      But thanks!

  2. And humble, too!
    =P Just kidding around, but the wording seemed amusing, to say the least.

  3. First off, I really like you title. It certainly ties in wonderfully with your post and it made me curious enough that I wanted to read on. I also appreciate how passionate you are about this school. It certainly showed in your writing!

    A picture and citations could have improved your blog. They would connect the reader to what you are writing and provide a stronger background to your text. Thank you for sharing! I love my high school too, so I can relate!

  4. We need visuals! Ah! I can totally understand the importance of a school. Was it a boarding school?

    1. It started out that way but it became a commuter after a few years.

  5. This is a great essay, and the importance of the school is definitely prevalent by reading it. However, an image would have made it even better, so we can see maybe what the school looks like. Otherwise, good job.

  6. I really like the enthusiasm you have for your old school, it's a lot more than I had/have for my high school. As for a way to improve, well, it's minor but I wish you would have put in a convenient link that talks about how Mark Teixeira was affected by going to St. Joe. (I don't follow sports so I had no idea who he was until I googled him!)

  7. I like how you mention the history of your school and the importance of it. The High School I went was barely 10 years ori while yours is more than a 136 years. However, I would like to see some pictures of it.

  8. I really liked how you explained the history of the school and the significance that it has to you as well as bringing up Teixeira, great ball player! You could have also added a bit more imagery though.

  9. The historical facts about your school was great. I strongly believe schools and universities should be preserved since they mean so much to society and shape who we are and who we become - I was glad to read that you too wanted to preserve a school. I would have liked reading your own personal experience, why you liked being in that particular school maybe.

  10. great historical facts about the school. all it need is a picture : )

  11. All three of my brothers went to Mt. St. Joseph so I can understand the importance. You're missing a picture but otherwise, very good post.

  12. I love the description of your essay!!! It was very well put but I wish I had an image of the school to see the cultural significance.

  13. Beautiful title, very captivating.
